Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Health Benefits of Clove Oil

Andre Kansil (

The health benefits of clove oil can be attributed to its antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, aphrodisiac and stimulating properties. The oil is used for treating a variety of health disorders including toothaches, indigestion, cough, asthma, headache, stress and blood impurities. The most important and common use of clove oil is in dental care. Several toothpastes, mouth wash and oral care medications contain clove oil as an important ingredient.
Clove is an evergreen tree, which produces a flower bud that has numerous medicinal properties. It is often referred to as clove bud. Clove bud has a shaft and a head and hence it has the Latin name clavus, meaning nail. Clove was extensively used in ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations and it spread to other parts of the world, including Europe, during the seventh and eight centuries. Even now, clove is used in several Indian and Chinese dishes.
Clove is rich in minerals such as calcium, hydrochloric acid, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and vitamin A and vitamin C.

Health benefits of clove oil

The health benefits of clove oil include the following:
Infections: Due to its antiseptic properties, clove oil is useful for wound, cuts, scabies, athlete’s foot, fungal infections, bruises, prickly heat, scabies, and other types of injuries. It can also be used for treating insect bites and stings. Clove oil is very strong in nature and should always be used in diluted form, and furthermore, it should not be used by people with unusually sensitive skin.
Dental care: As mentioned above, the most prominent use of clove oil is in dental care. The germicidal properties of the oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. Clove oil contains the compound eugenol, which has been used in dentistry for many years. Gargling with diluted clove oil helps in easing throat pain and irritation. The characteristic smell of clove oil also helps to eliminate bad breath. Clove is also effective against cavities, and traditionally, in India, clove oil was added to a small cotton ball and put at the end of the tooth which has the cavity every day before going to sleep. The cavity would vanish in a few days. As a result, clove oil is added to numerous dental products and medications, including mouthwash and tooth paste. Dentists also mix clove oil with zinc oxide to prepare a white, filling material as a temporary alternative to a root canal. But be careful, clove oil is very strong and can cause burns inside your mouth if used incorrectly.
Recent studies and careful consideration of the power of clove oil have resulted in it being used as a soothing balm on infants who are teething. In extremely diluted form, it can be applied to a baby’s gums, and the antiseptic and soothing qualities of the oil can ease their pain and reduce their discomfort.
Skin care: Clove oil is often recommended for skin care, especially for acne patients. The effects are best achieved when the oil is used in liquid form and spread on a clean, dry rag. You will find clove oil in many products for lessening the effects of aging, like wrinkles, sagging skin, and facial rejuvenation for the eyes because of its rejuvenating and stimulating properties, which can increase blood flow to unhealthy skin and make it look young again!
Immune system: Both clove and clove oil are useful for boosting the immune system. Its antiviral properties and ability to purify blood increases resistance to a multitude of diseases, because the antioxidants in clove essential oil scavenge the body of dangerous free radicals that cause a multitude of diseases like heart disease and certain types of cancer.
cloveoilStress: Clove oil is aphrodisiac in nature and therefore serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has a stimulating effect on the mind and removes mental exhaustion and fatigue. When ingested in appropriate amounts, it refreshes the mind and stimulates brain function. Clove oil also induces sleep and is helpful to patients suffering from insomnia. It is also useful for treating neural disorders such as memory loss, depression and anxiety.
Headache: Clove oil, when mixed with salt and applied on the forehead, gives a cooling effect and helps in getting relief from headaches. Clove oil has many flavonoids within it, which are anti-inflammatory agents. When topically applied to the temples or neck, that anti-inflammatory quality will ease the inflammation or tension that so often brings about headaches. For the same reason, clove oil is used as a pain reliever on other parts of the body, like joints and overworked muscles, to provide some relief from painful inflammation or swelling.
Respiratory problems: Clove oil has a cooling and anti inflammatory effect, and is frequently used to clear the nasal passage. This expectorant is a useful treatment for various respiratory disorders including coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tuberculosis. Chewing a clove bud is traditionally recommended to soothe sore throats.
Sty: Clove and clove oil are very effective home remedies for treating sty. Sty is an inflammation on the eyelash and can be a very irritating and painful condition. Sty is not only painful, but also causes difficulty in the proper functioning of the eye. Clove oil has also been shown to be preventative of other eye infections due to its antibacterial qualities.
Ear ache: A mixture of warm clove oil and sesame oil is a good remedy for earaches. The clove flower is the source of that beneficial additive of this already powerful essential oil.
Indigestion: Clove oil has traditionally been effective for the treatment of stomach-related problems such as hiccups, indigestion, motion sickness, and flatulence. Therefore, clove is one of the most important spices added to many Indian dishes. This is once again due to the potent effects of eugenol, one of the main functional parts of clove essential oil.
Nausea: Clove oil is helpful in reducing nausea and vomiting and is often used for pregnancy-related morning sickness and discomfort. Using it occasionally in aromatherapy or topically applying it to pillows at night for long-term inhalation can result in these positive effects.
Blood circulation: Clove oil increases your body’s metabolism by increasing blood circulation and reducing body temperature. An increase in blood circulation typically means a reduction in tension of the blood vessels, a problem commonly associated with tension headaches. Furthermore, increased circulation adds to the oxygenation of the blood and organ systems, which increases metabolism and raises organ efficiency. Finally, in terms of diabetes, increased blood flow can help prevent some of the most dangerous side effects of that terrible disease that can lead to major complications, amputations, and even death. Eugenol is the active ingredient in clove essential oil that causes this stimulation of blood circulation.
Premature ejaculation: Research has indicated that clove can be useful for treating premature ejaculation. However, further research needs to be carried out to confirm these results.
Cholera: It is believed that clove oil is useful for treating cholera.
Diabetes: Along with blood purification, clove oil helps control the level of blood sugar, making it very useful to patients suffering from diabetes. Studies have shown that the postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms are more regulated when clove oil is acting on the body’s systems. This is primarily due to the phenol concentration found in clove oil, which is one of the highest in terms of spice plants of its general type.
Insect Repellent: Clove oil is commonly used as a component in bug repellent and insect-repelling candles because the vapor is very potent for the olfactory senses of many insects. Traditionally, a few drops of clove oil were placed on the bedsheets at night to keep bugs away.
Cosmetics: Clove oil is often added in cosmetic creams and lotions, and it is commonly known as a good massage oil that provides relief from pain and stress.
cloveoilClove cigarettes: Usage of clove in making cigarettes is a new trend all over the world, although traditionally, clove was added to cigarettes in Indonesia. Smokers incorrectly feel that the numerous health benefits of clove would nullify the ill effects of smoking, whereas the natural elements in clove cigarettes only reduce the harmful impacts, but smoking clove cigarettes can still be carcinogenic.
Flavoring Agent: Along with trying to benefit from cloves’ digestive properties, the essential oil is also added to food items due to its rich flavor. It is added in a multitude of Indian dishes, pickles, sauces, spice cakes, and many other cultural foods.
Soap: Due to its powerful aroma, soothing effect and antiseptic properties, clove oil is often added when making soap and can often be found as an active ingredient.
Perfumes: Clove oil is also used in making perfumes because of its powerful and unique aroma.
Many people believe that clove oil is useful in preventing and treating cancer. However, the American Cancer Society clearly mentions that there is no scientific evidence on the curative properties of clove oil. It is also claimed by many that clove oil is useful in treating viral hepatitis, but again, further research must be conducted.
Aromatherapy: Clove oil blends well with many essential oils including basil essential oil, rosemary essential oil, rose oil, cinnamon essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil, nutmeg essential oil, peppermint essential oil, orange essential oil, lavender essential oil, geranium essential oil. This makes clove oil a popular element in aromatherapy and other herbal combinations.
Risks? One should be careful while using clove oil, because it is very strong even in small quantities and must be diluted before application or ingestion. Since eugenol (a main part of clove essential oil) is not very common, some people discover violent allergies when taking too much at once. Use small amounts of any essential oil if you have never used it before.
Furthermore, preliminary risks of clove oil include some intestinal discomfort, which is most common in children, and in the most serious cases, has even been connected to kidney and liver failure. Finally, clove oil can cause blood sugar to drop, so diabetics should be cautious, and pregnant women and those who are nursing should not use clove oil, as it is not clear whether this strong compound passes to the infant in the breast milk. As with any change to diet or nutritional supplement, it is best to consult a doctor before administering or adding to your daily or weekly regimen.

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9 Benefits Of Medicinal Herbs

9 Benefits Of Medicinal Herbs

Herbal remedies to deal with diabetes
Herbalism is also known as botanical medicine, medical herbalism, herbal medicine, herbology, herblore, and phytotherapy. It refers to using a plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark or flowers for medicinal purposes. With the growing interest in health and wellness, alternative medicines are becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Also, with the increasing prices of prescription medicine, herbal medicines are often cheaper than their conventional medicine counterparts.
In addition, a growing body of scientific research shows that herbal medicines can be highly effective for certain diseases and conditions. Moreover, as research in this area increases, the optimum doses for herbal medicines are known to ever greater accuracy.
Under the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), herbal medicines are classified as dietary supplements rather than as medications. This means they can be sold without being tested to prove they are safe and effective. Moreover, some can interact with other drugs you are taking. For that reason, it is vitally important for you to inform your physicians if you are taking herbal medicines.
Origins Of Medicinal Herbs
Herbal medicines have been around since prehistoric times. They have been used for medicinal purposes for as long as recorded history. People from many cultures around the world use herbal medicines. They were used in Ancient Chinese, Greek, Egyptian, and Indian (Ayurvedic) medicine. Native American and African cultures use herbs in their healing rituals.
Active ingredients of medicinal herbs
While conventional medicine isolates just one active ingredient, in herbal medicines, there may be multiple ones. Unlike prescription medications, herbs tend to have several different active reagents. And often, naturopathic doctors or herbalists may recommend them together because the combination is more effective or because several herbs taken together has fewer side effects.
If you are going to take herbal medicines for any medical condition, it’s best to contact an established naturopath or herbalist. The American Herbalist Guide (AHG), or the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians ( will be able to make a recommendation for your area.
Using medicinal herbs can sometimes be better than using medical drugs. Here are some reasons why medicinal herbs are better.
  • They cost less – The rising cost of prescription drugs have led the people to look for alternatives. While medicinal herbs may not be as strong or as fast acting as conventional medicine, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that shows their efficacy and in what doses.
  • They may have fewer side effects – While the side effects of any herbal medication depend on the drug in question, many have fewer side effects than conventional medicine. For example, St. John’s Wort, which is used for mild to moderate depression, has fewer side effects than most other prescriptive antidepressants.
  • There is a choice on how to use them – Medicinal herbs can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the kind of herb that is to be used. Some herbs can be mixed with food. Some can be made into tea, and there are some that are available in capsule or tablet form.
  • They are good for more than one condition – Most prescriptive drugs are designed for one specific health problem. By contrast, many herbal medicine act on several parts of the body at once. For example Ginko (Ginko biloba) is good for circulatory disorders, but it also helps enhance memory.
  • Cardiovascular diseases- There are a variety of medicinal herbs that can address cardiovascular problems. Medicinal herbs like garlic are said to be beneficial for many health problems like lowering the blood pressure and cholesterol to prevent cardiovascular problems. Kelp is a known reducer of heart problems, and alfalfa can be used to prevent and treat cardiovascular problems like heart disease and stroke. Here are six herbs to keep your heart healthy.
  • Digestive problems – There are also many medicinal herbs that can be used to treat and prevent problems with digestion like ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, and others. Some medicinal herbs that can be used for problems in the digestive system include caraway, chicory, clove, ginger, red pepper, rosemary, and others. Tummy troubles? Ease Your Digestion With These 5 Home Remedies.
  • Respiratory Problems – There are different varieties of medicinal herbs that can be used for respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, and others. Some medicinal herbs that can be used for respiratory problems like ginkgo can help people with asthma. Horehound is known for being an expectorant and is used to treat coughs. Dandelion can be used by people with bronchitis. Eucalyptus is popularly known to be good for loosening the phlegm and making it easier to breathe. Thyme can be used as a cough remedy, and there are more medicinal herbs that can be used for different respiratory problems. Do you know of these five herbs to keep your lungs healthy?
  • Skin problems – Some medicinal herbs can be made into creams and salves, which can be used to treat many skin problems like psoriasis, acne, burns, rashes, and others. Some medicinal herbs that can help with skin conditions are allspice, aloe, basil, mint, and turmeric. (Related: Effective Natural Remedies For Healthy Skin)
  •  Cancer – There some medicinal herbs that can help in preventing and slowing down the growth of certain cancer cells in the body. Dandelion and garlic are an example of herbs that can help in preventing cancer. Fennel and anise are said to be good at fighting the development of prostate cancer. It is said that ginseng can help patients who are undergoing radiation therapy for cancer.
Side Effects
While medical herbs are generally good for the body because they can be used for many health conditions, there are some side effects that are associated with using them.
  • Allergic reactions – Like any drug, herbal medications affect the body and so can cause an allergic reaction. And some herbs may cause allergic reactions when taken together with conventional drugs. Some may be toxic if used improperly or at high doses.
  • Not regulated – Unlike medical drugs, medicinal herbs are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Instead, they are considered dietary supplements under the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Although their dietary supplement status means that they can be sold without being tested to prove they are safe and effective, there are a growing number of studies that look at the safety and efficacy of herbal medicines. Consult an established naturopath or herbalist for information and guidance.
  • Can Interact with drugs – The effects of medicinal herbs can interact with medical drugs. It may heighten the effect of the conventional medicine, negate it or even cause it to become dangerous. It’s important to tell your doctor that you are using herbal or naturopathic medicines, especially if you are taking any prescriptions.
  • It can make other health conditions worse or cause other unwanted conditions – There are some medicinal herbs that can make other health conditions worse, like Tarragon, which should not be used by people who have had any form of cancer. Mistletoe should never be used by pregnant women because it may cause a miscarriage.
Medicinal herbs can be a good alternative for many diseases and conditions. They are low cost, and tend to have fewer side effects. Moreover, they can be bought in health food shops, pharmacies and on-line without the need for a prescription. However, herbal medicines can still have unwanted health effects, especially when used in combination with other drugs. If you are using more than one herbal medicine, or using them for a serious condition, it’s best to consult with a naturopath or established herbalist. It’s also important to tell your physician that you are using an alternative medicine to prevent drug interaction.

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The Benefits of Soursop

The Benefits of Soursop

The Benefits of Soursop

Also called graviola, soursop is a large, spiny, green tropical fruit with a sweet flesh that is the basis for several beverages, ice creams and other sweet foods popular in South America. Beyond its usefulness as a food, however, soursop also contains natural compounds with medicinal properties, making it potentially beneficial for your health.


The graviola tree, or Annona muricata, produces the sweet soursop fruit, also called custard apple, paw paw or, in many Spanish-speaking countries, guanabana. The tree reaches a height of 25 or 30 feet and produces large fruit that may reach a length of 12 inches. Although its rind is quite bitter, the fruit's flesh is soft, smooth and sweet, and provides carbohydrate as its major nutrient. Soursop also contains abundant vitamin C and several B vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, along with calcium, phosphorus and a small amount of iron.

Uses and Components

Practitioners of herbal medicine recommend the fruit and leaves of the graviola tree to relieve stomach distress, fever, pain and respiratory problems such as cough and asthma, and for many other medical problems. Soursop contains a number of natural substances that have biological activity, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. These include fatty compounds called acetogenins, especially one called annonacin, along with other compounds called quinolones, annopentocins and two alkaloids, coreximine and reticuline. Soursop's acetogenins are the compounds that have been most studied, especially for their potential to prevent or slow the growth of cancer. The Cancer Center also says that some compounds in soursop may be naturally antiviral and antiparasitic, and may also suppress inflammation.


Laboratory research supports the potential benefits of soursop as a remedy for disease. In one study, published in "Journal of Ethnopharmacology," an extract of soursop inhibited the growth of Herpes virus in the laboratory. In addition, the Cancer Center summarizes findings that suggest soursop extracts might slow growth of cancer cells or make them more susceptible to anti-cancer drugs. For example, in one study published in 1997 in "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry," compounds from soursop were tested on breast cancer cells in culture and found to be up to 250 times more effective in killing the cells than some chemotherapy drugs. These laboratory studies with soursop are promising, but research with human subjects is needed to confirm its potential usefulness.


The recommended intake of soursop fruit or its extract has not been established. However, one fruit contains about 15 milligrams of annonacin, its most studied component, and one can of commercially prepared soursop nectar provides 36 milligrams. Avoid consuming soursop in excess, however, since large quantities of its alkaloid compounds may cause neurological symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. Do not self-treat with soursop or its extract. Discuss its use with your doctor to decide what is best for your situation.

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Cancer Cure: Soursop Shows Strong Evidence in Studies

Cancer Cure: Soursop Shows Strong Evidence in Studies

Cancer has touched many of us in some way. Whether we know of or have overcome cancer ourselves, or know someone who has passed from it, we can all draw some form of intimate connection to the disease. The subject of cures and treatment has been of great debate within the industry as the generally accepted methods of chemotherapy and radiation come with moderately effective results and incredibly tough side effects. The search for alternative cures and treatments  has been ongoing for many years. While many claim they have come up with effective ways to treat the disease, very little seriousness is put towards these claims by mainstream medicine.
While we can argue the obvious financial implications to dominant pharmaceutical companies should a more natural and alternative cure be brought forth, it is still important to realize that many claims are made about alternative cures that may not truly work or work in every case. Since many cases of cancer are unique, it’s important to not generalize treatment methods. While mainstream medicine would like to have us believe that alternative cures never work and often lead to death, the truth is current mainstream methods of treatment for cancer often kill a patient faster than if they were not used. While this article isn’t geared towards explaining why, this information can be found quite easily using some credible sources around the internet or medical publications.
One alternative treatment of cancer that has been used in the past, especially in countries where it grows well, is Soursop. A flowering evergreen tree native to tropical regions, this fruit is said to kill cancer more effectively than chemotherapy drugs and does not produce the same undesirable side effects, but may not be fully clear of any adverse effects.
The active ingredient in Soursop that is proving to be effective is called Annona muricata or Graviola. Currently it exists on the market under the brand name of Triamazon but licensing of the product is not generally accepted in all countries due to the potential profit loss for pharmaceutical companies. Graviola is not just a cancer treatment, it has also displayed anti-parasitic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic and cytotoxic properties, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. In some cases, Graviola has also been used as a pain killer and the results were positive.
In an assessment of Graviola, published in the December 2008 issue of the “Journal of Dietary Supplements”  by U.S. researchers Lana Dvorkin-Camiel and Julia S. Whelan, multiple in-vitro studies determined that Graviola is effective against various microbial and parasitic agents. Graviola displayed specific effectiveness on parasites Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania panamensis, Nippostrongylus braziliensis, Artemia salina and Trichomonas vaginalis, as well as against the Herpes simplex virus.
As it relates directly to cancer, test-tube and animal research demonstrates that Graviola may be an anti-cancer agent. However, no human clinical trials have been performed as of yet. According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC, Graviola extract proved to be effective against liver cancer and breast cancer cells. Naturopath Leslie Taylor, author of “The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs,” notes that studies show Graviola has an inhibitory effect on enzyme processes in some cancer cell membranes. Graviola only affected cancer cell membranes and not those of healthy cells. This research may lend support to the herb’s traditional use against cancer.
Research done over 20 laboratory tests by one of America’s largest drug manufacturers suggests that the extracts were able to demonstrate the following:
  • Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
  • The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug
  • What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells
Potential Side Effects

With any product, whether it be natural or chemically derived, we must always look at the side effects. A study published January 2002 in the journal “Movement Disorders” suggests that the high incidence of West Indians with Parkinson’s-type motor problems could be related to a high consumption of Graviola fruit. Researchers performed experiments using neurons in culture, not human subjects, to perform their investigation. While the results are not conclusive, it certainly is something we must take into consideration. More extensive testing has not been done involving humans at this time and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center further cautions that more human research is necessary for the medical community to inform the public on Graviola’s risks as well as its benefits.
While some side effects may exist, eating the fruit and taking supplements is not considered to be unsafe if you are within the limits of the recommended dosages. We are not doctors so please remember to consult a physician if you decide to take Graviola supplements. Although research is lacking and no conclusions have yet to be drawn, you may want to avoid the supplement if you have Parkinson’s disease or another disorder that affects your movements. The same goes if you are pregnant or nursing. While doctors and scientists have not issued a standard dose for Graviola, one manufacturer recommends one 500 mg capsule “a few times a week” with dinner.
At the end of the day the verdict is still out as to whether or not Soursop is in fact effective for human use. While initial studies show it’s effectiveness, including some personal experiences of others who are not featured in this article, there simply has not been enough medical testing done to definitively suggest anything at this point. Strictly in my opinion, I still would rather try out alternative cures like this vs chemotherapy. My number one choice at this point would be a hemp treatment.

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“Journal of Dietary Supplements”; Tropical American Plants in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases; Lana Dvorkin-Camiel and Julia S. Whelan; December 2008
“African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines”; Anti-hyperglycemic Activities of Annona Muricata (Linn); D.O. Adeyemi, et al.; October 2008

Health Benefits of Patchouli Essential Oil

Health Benefits of Patchouli Essential Oil

Its medicinal properties include the following health benefits.
Antidepressant: This oil works great for people suffering from depression. It helps them to get over the feelings of sadness or loss and fills them with new hope. That is why patchouli essential oil is so frequently used in aromatherapy. It uplifts mood, drives away disappointment, and relaxes tension in the majority of people, even if they are being treated for something else. This is due to the impact that inhaling patchouli essential oil has on the hormones and various chemical reactions in the body and mind. By stimulating the release of pleasure hormones like serotonin and dopamine, feelings of anxiety, anger, and sadness simply disappear.
Antiphlogistic: It soothes inflammation, particularly if the inflammation or irritation is a result of fever, and it also provides relief from the fever itself. This means that patchouli essential oil could be useful in treating a wide array of skin conditions, as well as internal inflammation from conditions like arthritis and gout.
Antiseptic: Patchouli essential oil protects wounds and ulcers from developing infections and becoming septic. This is perhaps the most important property of this oil, since small wounds in the skin can lead to much more serious infections, including tetanus, if the wound was inflicted with a rusty, iron object. Patchouli essential oil protects against that possibility as well.
Aphrodisiac: Patchouli Oil is also good for treating sexual problems including impotency, loss of libido, disinterest in sex, erectile dysfunctions, frigidity, and sexual anxiety. It is good for both men and women to put a spark back in the bedroom by stimulating the sexual hormones, estrogen and testosterone, which boosts the sex drive. Patchouli essential oil has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years.
patchouliAstringent: This powerful essential oil stimulates contractions in muscles, nerves and skin. This helps strengthen the hold of gums on the teeth, prevents sagging skin, hair loss, and loosening of muscle tissue. The astringency of patchouli oil also helps stop hemorrhaging by contracting the blood vessels. It can act as an anti-aging substance in this way, since loosening of muscle and skin is commonly associated with getting old.
Cicatrisant: Patchouli essential oil helps speed the healing process of cuts and wounds, and also hastens the fading of scars. It is similarly effective in eliminating marks left by boils, acne, pox, and measles.
Cytophylactic: This property of the Essential Oil of Patchouli promotes growth by stimulating the generation of new bodily cells. This also helps in the production of red blood cells, which can boost energy levels. By increasing the circulation, it also increases the oxygenation of organs and cells throughout the body, increasing their functionality and boosting the overall metabolism of the body. Patchouli essential oil is particularly good at regenerating new skin cells, thus keeping the skin looking healthy, young and vibrant.
Deodorant: The strong sweet, spicy and musky aroma of this essential oil eliminates or masks body odor. However, it should be used in a diluted form as the aroma of Patchouli Oil might be very strong to some people’s olfactory senses. It remains a popular oil to use as a cologne in many cultures and cultural demographics. Some people find the smell wonderful, while others are somewhat irritated by its distinctive aroma.
patchouliDiuretic: It increases the frequency of urination as well as the quantity of urine. This helps lose weight, lower blood pressure, increase appetite, lower cholesterol and remove of toxins from the body. Urination removes excess water, unnecessary salts, and uric acid, which reduces your chances of developing gallbladder stones and kidney stones, as well as forming conditions like gout.
Febrifuge: Patchouli essential oil reduces body temperature in cases of fever by fighting the infections that cause the fever. As an antiphlogistic, it relieves the inflammation caused by fever, which simultaneously helps to bring down the fever, since fevers can be reduced to some extent if the pain and inflammation associated with fever are eliminated.
Fungicide: Patchouli Essential Oil has been found to be quite effective at inhibiting fungal growths and infections, thereby providing protection from some notorious infections like Athlete’s Foot. Fungal infections can be quite serious, especially when they attack the respiratory system through inhalation. Patchouli essential oil becomes very valuable at that point to keep your body fully protected.
Insecticide: As mentioned earlier, the insecticidal property of Patchouli Oil was recognized all the way back in ancient times. Despite smelling sweet, it is very effective at keeping insects at a healthy distance. It is frequently used in sprays, body lotions, fumigants, vaporizers, and incense sticks or it can be mixed with water to wash clothes and bed linen to drive away mosquitoes, ants, beg bugs, lice, fleas, flies and moths. Only a few drops are required to keep insects away, or you can burn the oil in a room and have the effects last even longer. However, be careful about burning the oil inside, as its distinct smell can quickly seep into fabric and furniture.
Sedative: It soothes inflammation and sedates convulsions, coughs and epileptic attacks resulting from hypersensitivity or hyper-reactivity of the nerves. It can also stop breakouts due to allergies by sedating the hypersensitivity of the body towards certain elements. As an antidepressant and a sedative, patchouli essential oil is good for relaxing the body into a healthy, restful night of sleep. Reducing the signs of insomnia and getting a full night’s sleep can improve your cognitive function, metabolic rates, and mood.
Tonic: This property of patchouli oil tones up the whole body. It optimizes metabolic functions like the decomposition of food and absorption of nutrients by toning up the liver, stomach and intestines, thereby helping you to grow stronger and healthier. Patchouli essential oil also takes care of proper excretion, regulates the endocrinal secretions of hormones and enzymes and also tones up the nervous system, thus making you more alert and active. Finally, it boosts the immune system, protecting you from a wide range of infections.
Other Benefits
It has been known to help in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and sores. It provides relief from constipation, and can be used as an temporary antidote or salve against insect bites. These peripheral benefits are closely related to one or more of the other qualities we already explained.
A Few Words of Caution
The long lasting aroma of patchouli essential oil, though sweet, may be too strong and almost unpleasant to some people. Be cautious about using too much or smelling too strongly of it, as the aroma can be irritating to certain people.
Blending: Patchouli Essential Oil blends well with essential oils of Bergamot, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lavender and Myrrh.

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The Wonderful Health Benefits of Graviola

The Wonderful Health Benefits of Graviola

Graviola may only have recently become popular in the West but it has a long history in ancient herbal remedies and treatments. Also known by other names such as soursop, guanabana and cherimoya, this small tree (no more than 10 meters tall) grows in tropical America. The soursop fruit is very tasty (sort of like custardy apple) and has been used to add flavor to jams, ice cream, juices and nectars.
But apart from its ability to turn ordinary food into an extraordinary treat, the fruit has also been used in traditional medicine to fight rickets. The leaves, bark and roots on the other hand is used to treat diabetes. Lately, there have even been studies pointing to Graviola as an alternative treatment for cancer.
But while Graviola has established its importance in ancient medicine, experts have also discovered that it provides a number of benefits. Take a look at our exhaustive list of guanabana benefits so you can decide if you should take this supplement.
Ancient Medicinal Benefits of Graviola
Graviola’s fruit or juice has long been used to help reduce fever. Aside from this, consuming the fruit has been known to relieve diarrhea, dysentery and even kill parasites and worms in your digestive tract.
The root of sour sop or graviola has been classified as antiparasitic which means you can use it to get rid of lice in your pet’s fur or in your child’s hair. Based on research, the graviola tea can even help regulate blood pressure because it has hypotensive properties, which means that a patient with high blood pressure can be treated by simply drinking the tea.
In the mountains of Peru, the leaves of guanabana are brewed to treat inflamed mucus membranes or to facilitate the discharge of mucus from the nose, throat and lungs. In the Amazon, locals use the leaves and roots of the plant to help regulate blood sugar for patients with diabetes. Even in the West Indies, people drink tea made of Graviola leaves to treat cough, flu and asthma. Even breastfeeding mothers eat the fruit to increase the supply of their breast milk.
Modern Medicinal Benefits of Graviola
But even though graviola’s benefits have been well known in ancient medicine, it’s only recently that modern science has jumped on the bandwagon. In 1976, a study was made on Guanabana as a possible cure for cancer. This study was conducted by the National Cancer Institute. The results were quite astounding. It was found that among the graviola benefits include its ability to eliminate cancer cells in the body using the leaves and stems of the tree. It was found that it had an ingredient that was 10,000 times more potent than chemo. The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York also confirms that graviola, particularly graviola extract, does have beneficial elements including anti-rheumatic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and emetic.
Other Known Graviola Benefits
Aside from what we’ve mentioned above, other soursop benefits include:
1. Stronger immune system
Soursop has a lot of excellent properties that are necessary to keep your immune system strong. These properties kill free radicals and ensure your immune system is at optimum health so it can effectively perform its functions such as warding off diseases.
2. Regular bowel movements
Graviola is rich in fiber which means that when you consume it regularly, you can expect regular bowel movements. With graviola, you don’t have to worry about constipation and hemorrhoids.
3. Increased energy
Soursop has properties that keep your body active and energized so you won’t feel lethargic all day.
4. Osteoporosis prevention
Soursop is rich in calcium and phosphorous to help strengthen the bones and prevent bone and joint diseases such as osteoporosis.
5. Heart disease and nerve disease prevention
Because soursop can aid in proper blood circulation, boost metabolism and prevent damage to your nerves, you will have a better functioning heart and your nervous system will also be less likely to get damaged as you grow older.
Although there has not been enough scientific evidence to back up some claims, it’s been widely believed that sour sop leaves can also treat gout by lowering the uric acid in the body. Simply boil 6 – 10 leaves with 2 cups of water and drink one cup twice a day. For those suffering from back pain and rheumatism, you can benefit from the use of graviola extract obtained from its leaves, by drinking it hot once a day. Soursop is also believed to help prevent infection by inhibiting the growth of viruses, bacteria and parasites.
What Makes Graviola So Beneficial to the Body?
To understand why there are dozens of graviola benefits, you have to know the composition of this plant. First of all, the soursop fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamin B1, B2, and C. It also has potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorous and magnesium. The stem, bark and leaves are rich in antioxidants particularly Coenzyme Q10 to fight inflammation, eliminate free radicals, and ensure your body is functioning at optimum levels.
When you take a look at all the good things present in graviola, it’s easy to see why people are eating the fruit, boiling the leaves and even taking graviola capsules. In many ways, the plant makes people healthy and improve their quality of life.

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Things to Know Before Using Essential Oils

Things to Know Before Using Essential Oils

Essential oils have gained certain popularity over the years due to its ability to heal a lot of conditions naturally. They have many organic properties that can help cure things like depression, indigestion, sleeplessness, anxiety etc. Rather than opting for an essential oil straight from the internet, here are some things that you need to know.

Essential oils cannot be called actual oils

Oils are called so because of the presence of fatty acids that make the oil composition as we know it. On the other hand, essential oils are highly concentrated constituents of a plant that contain potent medicinal and cosmetic benefits. It has also been referred to as the soul of the plant.

These oils cannot be patented due to its organic nature

This means that if you see an "essential oil" component in a drug, it means that either they have broken the law or they are misleading the buyers by making false claims. This is the reason why pharmaceutical companies will always flout the effectiveness of essential oils in terms of their medicinal abilities and since they cannot be patented, they will never waste resources to study the oils deeply. This is primarily the reason why there is so little scientific knowledge available regarding the essential oils. Anything that we know today has been passed down to us through years of use and experimentation.

Never use essential oils directly on your skin

The essential oils are highly concentrated and should not be applied to the skin directly. It can cause irritation if the oils come in direct contact of the skin. They need to be mixed with other real oils or other waxes so that they can be used.

Do not use essential oils when nursing or pregnant

Even though these oils are fully natural, it has still been advised to refrain from using it if you are nursing or pregnant. In case of usage, it is better to do so in the guidance of your doctor.

Expensive does not mean better oil

Experts say that while you should only pay for quality, it is ok to buy low priced essential oils if you are only using it for non-therapeutic reasons. However, if you do want high quality and do not mind paying an extra buck for it then you should definitely buy from ethical suppliers. Essential oils should be tended from plants that are fully organic and do not use any toxic suppliers or fertilizers. This is when you would be able to truly enjoy the complete benefits  

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Top 7 Benefits & Uses of Essential Oils!!

Top 7 Benefits & Uses of Essential Oils!!

Essential oils are the herbal gift from Mother Nature. They work wonders and make human life easy to lead. These days the usage of natural essential oils is gaining a lot of popularity. People are leaving behind allopathic treatment and switching to alternative therapy. Buy natural aromatic oils from certified Essential Oil Suppliers in India. 1. Essential Oils keep body fit and healthy Essential oils are helpful in curing a lot of physical debilities. These aromatic oils are organically extracted thereby possess goodness of nature. Essential oils are widely used as body massage oils for aromatherapy for relaxing body muscles, tissues and nerves. Eucalyptus oil is used for curing joint aches and muscular aches. 2. Essential Oil keeps Stress Away The essential oils from natural plant sources have pleasant aroma and fragrance. These oils keep stress at a bay. Natural aromatic distillates also cure symptoms of depression and anxiety in a most effective ways. Customers should check for ISO labels and certificate before dealing with Essential Oils Suppliers. 3. Essential oil help to Sleep Better Natural essential oils have a relaxing and soothing effect on nervous system. They induce sound sleep in patient suffering from sleep related disorders. Use essential oil of lavender for head massage and get a sound slumber for hours at night without interruptions. After a sound good night sleep, your body would feel charged up and naturally get energetic. 4. Essential oils increase the Level of Immunity Use therapeutic essential oils on daily basis in order to boost stamina and immune system of body. Natural essential oils fight against a lot of harmful diseases. Essential oils of roses, lemon and tree tea oils have anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. 5. Essential oils Remove Injury and Burn Marks Lemon essential oils possess good amount of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Vitamin C helps to reduce pigmentation, dark spots, burn marks and old injury marks. Essential oils cannot remove birth marks. 6. Essential oil Beautify Your Skin Essential oils have skin softening properties. Use rose oils, jojoba oils or castor oil for getting soft and supple skin. Essential oil of chamomile is used in many cosmetics and toiletries products. 7. Essential oil for curing respiratory diseases Essential oils like Eucalyptus Oils, Lemon Oils and Lavender Oils are used for curing respiratory diseases like cough, cold, asthma and vital infections. So these are top seven benefits of essential oils. Log on to & explore vast range of 100% pure & fine quality of essential oils at best price range. This is one of the reputed essential oil manufacturers in India. Please Visit The Product of
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