As for the daunya, most people do not use them, sometimes just thrown away and become a litter. Actually, if you would understand or know, breadfruit leaf is very beneficial for our health, well Apas just breadfruit leaves for health benefits? To answer your curiosity, here I've summarized it in 9 breadfruit leaves for health benefits below.

9 Benefits Leaves Breadfruit for Health

1. breadfruit leaves can nourish the kidney
The leaves contain potassium rate is very high, this is the content of a very active role in maintaining the health of the kidney believed to dissolve kidney stones.
2. Healthy heart organ
Benefits next breadfruit leaf is able to nourish the heart, the efficacy of this breadfruit leaves can arise because of this natural herbal ingredients containing phenol compounds that could stimulate the regeneration of cells or tissue located in the heart organ.
3. Preventing and treating hypertension
Compound quercetin contained in breadfruit leaves are very effective for lowering high blood pressure or hypertension, so it is very effective for preventing or treating hypertension.
4. Overcoming inflammation
Breadfruit leaves contain the active compound that is anti-inflammatory, is highly efficacious compounds to overcome inflammation of the organs of the body due to injury, illness or other complications.
5. Preventing and treating gout
Gout disease often affects people who are elderly, the disease is due to the levels of purines in the body is very high, breadfruit leaves contain purines which are very low, so it is very effective to prevent and treat the disease gout.
6. Lowering blood sugar levels
Breadfruit leaves according to various studies containing flavonoids are very high, these compounds are very useful for lowering blood sugar levels in excess.
7. Lowering bad cholesterol
Breadfruit leaves contain very high good cholesterol, good cholesterol content is able to suppress bad cholesterol in the body, so it is very effective to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in our body.
8. Prevent Cancer
Efficacy next breadfruit leaf is able to prevent cancer, it happens because of breadfruit leaves have a very high anticancer senywa.
9. Treating tumors and cysts
Breadfruit leaf health benefits for the latter is able to treat tumors and cysts, this happens because the breadfruit leaves contain anti-tumor compounds are very high, in which the bladder is able to inhibit the abnormal growth.
That's 9 great benefits to health breadfruit leaf or treatment., May be useful.
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